about. me.

Oh hello!

I don’t know you, but I know our stories can’t be terribly different from each other. We all have aspirations, broken dreams that we’re trying to repair, joyful life moments, self-rejection, and a desire for relationship. I see your heart, and I want you to know that all is not lost. Don’t give up. We’re a part of something so much bigger than the high points and low points in our lives. There’s always something bigger for you, and when you get to that ‘something bigger,’ there’s another something bigger waiting on the horizon for you, calling for you.

I invite you to answer that call with me, so that together, we can live life on purpose.

I love the Word of God and know it has changed my life, and has the power to speak in to your life as well. It calls us loved and accepted, and it empowers us to live out that identity. And as we find our identity, we find our purpose that God has written on our lives. I hope and pray you journey together with me and are inspired start living out your own journey and adventures in Jesus Christ and in His Word.

Here’s a little more in depth look at my reason for starting this blog, and where my heart truly lies.

And also as promised, a little bit about me – the basics are that I live in Colorado with my husband, C, and our bashful dog, M. We are all rock climbing, dirt biking, and camping enthusiasts – But mostly, I live to cheer you on.

Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror of God’s Word, and inviting you to do the same,
