
talking. trees.

The context in which we find this parable surrounds a scandal involving a man named Abimelech, who wanted to rule over the Israelites during a time when Israel had no king, and it was still God’s will that Israel have no king. Abimelech conspired with some less than savory characters from his hometown to have… Read More talking. trees.

identity.&.purpose, until.further.notice

open. doors.

Well, when one door closes, another one opens! I couldn’t count how many times I’ve heard that phrase. And it isn’t a bad phrase, but I think it fostered some less than ideal thought patterns for how I viewed opportunities in life. Thinking about that phrase, I was feeling frustrated that, figuratively, I was just… Read More open. doors.


knowledge. of. God.

So…Proverbs. I’ve become completely besotted with this book over the past few months. Prior to these past few months however, if you were to ask me to pick the book I thought was most boring in all the Bible, I would have probably picked Proverbs. I know, I know…I’m not supposed dislike a book of the… Read More knowledge. of. God.


joy. of. the. Lord.

I’m going to begin with a lot of questions. But that’s what reading the Bible is all about right? Asking questions? It’s what Moses did all through Exodus. It’s what Jesus’ disciples did when they didn’t understand his parables. The crowds went away shaking their heads, not understanding. But the disciples were his disciples because… Read More joy. of. the. Lord.


hope. deferred.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick (Proverbs 13:12), soooooo it’s better to just not hope then, right? If you aren’t hoping in anything, you won’t ever be let down. Kind of along the same lines as ‘if you don’t try, you won’t fail.’ I’m sad to say it, but that’s how I felt about that… Read More hope. deferred.