
encourage. step. encourage.

Rivers stopped flowing at God’s command, the land flowed with milk and honey, walls tumbled at the blast of horns and the shouts of God’s chosen people…..yep, I’ve recently begun going through the book of Joshua – but not in the normal reading fashion. I’ve only gotten through about 5 chapters in 3 whole months, because I am hand-writing everything from Joshua into a journal. The time it takes me to write out the verses slows me down, forcing me to focus on what I’m reading, savoring every word – every meaning of every word. In between verses, as I learn more and the Holy Spirit points out certain elements and patterns and how everything works into other passages, I write down my thoughts and studies within the verses (in a different color pen, just to keep things from getting confusing). I super recommend it. It’s been the most exciting Bible study time I’ve ever experienced.

Joshua, as a whole, represents what the walk of a believer looks like in the spiritual realm. Where Joshua used his sword, we have the sword of God, for we fight not against flesh and blood…but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).

[Just a thought to keep in the back of your mind if you want to read through Joshua with me, Moses represents ‘The Law’ in the Bible and Joshua, meaning ‘salvation’ represents Jesus, and the salvation we experience in Christ.]

Let’s start with Joshua 1:1-9 – Joshua is grieving, as Moses has just died – no doubt he is probably very nervous at the task ahead of him, or maybe even wondering if he is going to be the next leader for Israel. And God shows up. As far as it’s recorded, this is the first time that God shows up directly to Joshua. Before, He had only appeared to Moses. God is telling Joshua, encouraging him, just by showing up, ‘Hey, you’re worthy. You remember how I appeared and talked to Moses? I’ll do the same for you. I’m with you.’ Then God gives Joshua a step and commands him to arise and cross the Jordan River, him and all the people.

The word ‘Jordan,’ means ‘to go down, to descend, to feel down.’ The same word is used in the Bible when referring to someone being humbled, or saddened, or defeated. God is telling Joshua – ‘You and all the people will get past your grief at losing Moses, and I will help you – you will cross over your grief just as you will cross over the Jordan River. And I have something amazing waiting on the other side of this journey for you. Even though the journey looks hard, you’re crossing into the land I’m giving you. Everywhere your foot touches is yours.’ After God gives Joshua a step, He encourages him again. Everything is yours. You get to enter into the promised land that you’ve been waiting for over the past 40 years. Encourage. Step. Encourage.

Encourage – No man shall be able to stand before you. Just as I was with Moses, I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. (vs 5)

Step – Be strong and courageous. (vs 6a)

Encourage – You shall cause this people to inherit the land I swore to their fathers to give them. (vs 6b)

Step – Be strong and courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or left. (vs 7a)

Encourage – You will have good success wherever you go. (vs 7b)

Step – This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, being careful to do everything written in it. (vs 8a)

Encourage – Then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success (vs 8b)

Step – Be strong and courageous. (vs 9a)

Encourage – Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God (not Moses’ God anymore – Joshua’s God, your God) is with you wherever you go. (vs 9b)

These words of God to Joshua are for you too. The testimonies of the Lord are sure (see testimonies.part.1, part.2, and part.3). God gives you a step. Just a step, not a leap. And then He encourages you. I’m seeking God for my next step, finding what pleases Him. I’m looking for steps that I can take to step out of my own self-centered life and step into someone else’s. I’m seeking to keep myself open to the Holy Spirit to know when God is prompting me to take a step. I search the scriptures for God’s encouragement to me.

Maybe you need to take a step closer to God, to see what He has for you in His Word. Or maybe it’s a step to help a loved one or friend or family member. Maybe it’s a step to move somewhere God is calling you, to get you away from your comfort zone like God called Abraham away from his family. Maybe you know what your step is and maybe you don’t. Ask God, he’ll give you a step and encourage you the whole way. When you take that step, He’ll encourage you and give you another step and then keep encouraging you. He’s with you on this walk with Him, this series of steps with Him.

I pray this week God will show you your next step. I pray you will have the courage and the strength to take that next step. You are a child of God and God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. I love you and I’m praying for you friend.

In Him – Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror

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