
enough. part. 2.

Feelings of not enough and not measuring up are not your own. They are planted there by Satan. From the beginning of time, Satan has been the accuser of the children of God (Revelation 12:10). He convinced Adam and Eve in the garden that they were not enough, and that eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil would make them enough. Then, after eating the fruit, they realized they were naked and they really were not enough.

So, they sewed fig leaves together to try and cover up their not enough. I find this interesting because it really is humanity’s first attempt at putting on a mask, at trying to hide the not enough. They wanted to cover up their not enough to try to hide it from God and to hide it from themselves. God didn’t tell them that they were naked or not enough. Satan did that. He is the accuser. God asked in the garden, ‘who told you, you were naked?’ (Genesis 3:11).

It is the natural and constant struggle for humans that we do not feel like enough. So we spend the majority of our energy trying to convince ourselves and others that we are enough. But at night when all is dark and quiet, the whispers of not enough torment our soul (see enough.part1).

Knowing this struggle is real, and knowing that we fight not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12-13), we have to daily remind ourselves that through Christ, and only through Christ, are we enough. We must renew our minds with that every day (Romans 12:2).

The only way to fight the thoughts of not enough that Satan plants in your mind, is to speak the Word of God. Every time Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus responded by speaking the Word of God – ‘It is written. It is written. It is written.’ (Matthew 4:1-11). When you submit yourself to God, and resist Satan with the Word of God, Satan must flee (James 4:7). The nearer you draw to God by continually speaking His Word, the nearer God will draw to you (James 4:8).

Faith is a fight. You have to fight to speak the Word of God over your life. It’s not something you or I can turn on at the beginning of the year, or the beginning of the month, or the beginning of the week, or even the beginning of the day. It is a moment by moment fight to constantly turn our thoughts to God and to His Word and to lean not on our own finite understanding of this world, but to trust God instead (Proverbs 3:5).

Surround yourself with the Word of God. Put it in your car, in your apartment, at your desk, in your wallet (Deuteronomy 6:8) and when you have the thoughts of not enough pull out the Word of God and read it to yourself, speak it over your life. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45) so the more you speak God’s truth into your life, the more it gets into your heart. I put these Bible verses everywhere I can, so when I am in a moment of weakness, and feeling like not enough, I have the Word ready at hand to speak over my life.

You are a child of God – Galatians 3:26, Hebrews 12:5, Romans 8:16

Jesus has designs on you for glorious living – Ephesians 1:11-12

God abides in you – 1 John 3:24

You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. – Matthew 5:13-14

You’ve been given a fresh start through Jesus. – 1 Corinthians 6:11

You are enough in Christ.Colossians 2:10

In Him – just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror