commands.&.promises, salt.&.light

grounded. growing. giving.

I did it. I actually did it. Last month I deleted my Facebook app from my phone. (I still access it on the computer from time to time, so haven’t completely cut all ties yet.) However, it was a big step. A bigger step than what I initially realized. I started to notice I was constantly accessing the app on my phone. Hmm, check the time. Oh look! Facebook! Wonder if I have any more likes on that thing that I posted, but have already forgotten what it was I posted, but really all that matters now are all the likes anyway…. Yeah. Definitely a problem. But it wasn’t until I deleted it that I really realized how often I was casually accessing it. Check the time. Scroll over to Facebook…oh…well it isn’t there. Hmm. Lather, rinse, repeat. It really had been a problem. So I had an idea. What if I put my Bible app in my Facebook app’s old location?? A little cheesy, but I figured it could get me reading my Bible more. So I decided to give it a shot.

It has changed my life. No joke. Hmm, check the time. Scroll over to – hey my Bible! Sure, I’ll read a Bible verse. So I read a verse or two. But then I find myself just kind of thinking about that bible verse for the next couple of hours. Check the time. Oh man I want to read that verse again, what did it say in the second part again? Wow! I never saw that in that verse before! Go back to thinking about it in the back of my mind as I work. I think this is the closest I’ve ever been to meditating on it day and night (Psalm 1:2). Just being mindful of it all day.

Not that I have abandoned my study and prayer times focused solely on God and His Word, but being mindful of the Word and just pondering it in the back of my mind all day has been transformational. You know how when you’re worried about something, and it just kind of mills around and hangs over your whole day, even though you may not be actively thinking just about that thing? But it still never 100% goes away? It functions the same way, but is positive and life giving instead of draining. I really believe that function of our brain to kind of think on things without really thinking on them was how God built our brains to meditate on his Word. But after sin and living in the fallen world, that brain function was corrupted and now tends to house worry instead of the Word and the things of God. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things (Philippians 4:8). Those are a lot of other options to choose from other than worry.

Coincidentally (or not), the first verse I started meditating on when I banished Facebook from my phone, was Psalm 1:1-3. Every time I read it, the Holy Spirit would speak something different about it into my spirit. A new angle. Fresh wisdom. Thoughts below in italics.

Blessed is the man

Who walks not in the counsel of the wicked. – The person who is walking in the counsel of the wicked might be going somewhere, but he won’t be going anywhere desirable.

Nor stands in the way of sinners. – Not going anywhere, good or otherwise. Just stuck there in sin.

Nor sits in the seat of scoffers. – Scoffers laze around not doing anything, but instead ridicule others fulfilling responsibilities the scoffers couldn’t be bothered to do.

But his delight is in the Law of the Lord. – Not in Facebook.

And on His law he meditates day and night. – See also Joshua 1:8.

He is like a tree

Planted by streams of water. – Grounded and nourished. Not going nowhere, sitting, or stuck in sin.

That yields its fruit in season. – Growing and giving. Also, this happens naturally. Trees don’t try to grow their fruit, it just happens naturally in the appropriate season. We know bearing fruit is not a burden because it happens naturally (1 John 5:3). The more you give, the more you grow.

Its leaf does not wither. – Growing and continually flourishing. When you’re fed by the stream of the Word of God, it brings you into a healthy place spiritually at all times. The Word of God is the  catalyst to to becoming grounded, giving, and growing, and giving, and growing some more. When you give, you are not diminished.

I’ve found myself feeling more calm on the inside. More at peace. Slower to get frustrated. Even more joyful. Find a Bible verse you can ponder on and soak in for the week. Maybe Psalm 1:1-3 will continue to speak to you. It keeps speaking to me. Or maybe you need God to whisper to your heart like Isaiah 43:4 – You are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you. Or maybe a little more of Joshua 1:9 – Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

I could go on and on. Please do it though. You don’t have to necessarily delete your Facebook app, but pick a verse. Put it in your pocket, or in your car, or on your mirror, or somewhere at work or school that you will see it frequently. You’ll get hungry for more and more and more and you’ll find yourself becoming more grounded, growing more, and giving more every passing week.

In Him – Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror

4 thoughts on “grounded. growing. giving.

  1. love it! so true and encouraging! good reminder of redirecting my focus from worry to God’s word, thank you!

    1. That’s tremendous news! I’m glad you were encouraged. So sorry for the late reply, getting back on top of my site and posting again haha.

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