commands.&.promises, prayer., proverbs., reflections., salt.&.light


Proverbs 10 – if you haven’t read my thoughts on the book of Proverbs yet, you’ll want to do so here. This isn’t a comprehensive look at each verse, but it is how God spoke to me through particular chapter of His Word at this particular chapter in my life. I encourage you to read the full chapter in your own Bible first so you can see how God wants to speak to you through this chapter, and so you don’t miss out on the verses I didn’t cover. I hope it can speak to you as well, and I hope you are encouraged to seek Him in His Word. And if you missed Proverbs 9, you should also check that out here.  Otherwise, on to Proverbs 10!

In Proverbs, there are two understandings of knowledge. In chapters 1-9, knowledge focuses more on insight gained through theological reflection, while in chapters 10-29, knowledge focuses primarily upon the ability to handle interpersonal relationships (*CSB Study Bible). So, now that we are starting in chapter 10, we’ll see this transition from large theological ideas and storylines about wisdom and folly to sets of short proverbs that are practical for navigating life in general. I love that almost 3,000 years ago, God was already instructing His people, and all future generations, in emotional intelligence before the term was even coined!

10:4 – Seasons help us build healthy rhythms into our lives. In general terms, though farming is significantly more complicated than this, as is life – summer is for harvest grains and other crops. Autumn is for harvesting different crops that mature at a different rate than the wheat and corn and other crops. Winter is for rest. Spring is for planting, and so the cycle continues. We should not rest when we should be harvesting. We should not be trying to harvest plants that have not grown yet when it is the time for sowing. Everything in God’s kingdom takes time and the right time. God planned for Jesus to be the savior of the world before He created the world (Revelation 13:8).  But Jesus wasn’t born until thousands of years later. Even after Jesus came to earth, He had to go through the natural process of growing up from a baby to a child, to a young man, to grown man, and then He still didn’t begin His ministry until after He was thirty. Time and the right time are all part of how God’s kingdom was designed to work. Prayer – God, teach me to see and know what the right thing to do is, at the right time, and in the right season. Give me the courage and strength to do the right thing when You show it to me. Keep me from inaction when I should do something. Teach me to also find the proper rhythms of rest among the doing.

10:8Wise-hearted people take orders, but a babbling fool will have trouble. Prayer – God, teach me how to take orders well. Keep me from babbling endlessly and talking too much. Help me see when I start to talk too much so I can quiet myself and listen.

10:11The speech of the righteous is a fountain of life. Prayer – God, help my speech to always be life-giving, to always lift others up, even in correction. And if my speech cannot do that, help me to stay silent.

10:12Hate stirs up disputes, but loves covers all kinds of transgressions. Prayer – Heavenly Father, as You give me new and more wisdom as I read through Your Word, help me to always tip the scales toward grace, to love others, instead of seeing all their faults. Remind me how You have grown me past my own faults and show me how You are helping all Your children grow.

10:13-14On the lips of the intelligent is found wisdom, but a stick is in store for the back of a fool. Wise people hide their knowledge, but when a fool speaks, ruin is imminent. Prayer – God, when I do speak, let it be words of wisdom. Help me to know the right time to speak and the right time to stay silent.

10:16The activity of the righteous is for life. Is it? Are my actions always leading to life? I know the answer is no…but I want the answer to be yes. Prayer – Heavenly Father, show me when my actions do not bring life to myself or to those around me. Correct my ways so my actions lead to life.

10:19When words are many, sin is not lacking; so he who controls his speech is wise. The theme of most of chapter 10 has been regarding spoken words. When to speak, when not to speak, and how to speak when you do speak. Mostly, those who are wise do very little talking, and the fool does a lot of talking, as described in this verse. Personally, I talk a lot. I know this about myself. I love words and language and conversation. But I also need to learn to listen, really listen. Not just listening to determine what I will say next, but to listen for understanding of what the other person is saying, so they can be seen and heard. Reading through Proverbs regularly has taught me to slow down, to listen and hear. Its wisdom renews my mind and interrupts me before I speak, to either stay silent or say something a different way. It is saving my relationships. I know if I were to continue on the path I was on, always speaking the first thought that came to my mind, I would still be slowly chiseling away at my relationships, and would have eventually destroyed them. That is the power of God’s Word – it can change your heart and change your actions, if only you take the small step towards God to read what He has written to your heart.

10:28-30What the righteous hope for, will end in joy…. The way of the Lord is a stronghold to the upright…. The righteous will never be moved…. You can read the full verses for yourself, but I wanted to list these three promises found in these three verses side by side. What we hope for, God promises will end in joy. But…we have to keep hoping. Don’t give up hope for whatever dreams you have or used to have. Dust them off and renew that hope. God will not put your hopes to shame, for He is your stronghold, as the next verse says. God also promises that we will not be moved by the storms of life – we might sway in the wind like a great tree, but we will not be uprooted. When we hold to God’s Word and hold to God’s promises as our foundation – we will not be moved. Even when we mess up, when we don’t get it right, when we don’t follow what Proverbs instructs us to do, we will not be moved. That is God’s promise that He fulfills in us and for us. It is not work on our part, it is work and a promise on God’s part.

Friend, I have prayed these same prayers over you today. May you start seeing the right thing to say at the right time, and know when to be silent. May your hopes be renewed in life and in God’s Word to work power in your life.

Until tomorrow,

– Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror of God’s Word, and praying you will do the same

All scripture quotations are taken from the Complete Jewish Bible, Copyright © 1998 and 2016 by David H. Stern. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

*Information taken from the Christian Standard Bible® Copyright© 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.