commands.&.promises, identity.&.purpose, prayer., proverbs.


Proverbs 16 – if you haven’t read my thoughts on the book of Proverbs yet, you’ll want to do so here. This isn’t a comprehensive look at each verse, but it is how God spoke to me through particular chapter of His Word at this particular chapter in my life. I encourage you to read the full chapter in your own Bible first so you can see how God wants to speak to you through this chapter, and so you don’t miss out on the verses I didn’t cover. I hope it can speak to you as well, and I hope you are encouraged to seek Him in His Word. And if you missed Proverbs 15, you should also check that out here.  Otherwise, on to Proverbs 16!  

16:1We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer. 16:9We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps (NLT). Prayer – God, thank You so much for loving me as much as you do to give me the right answer and determine my steps. Let me not think that I am in control of my own steps. Let me always give glory to You for how far you have brought me. Thank You for Your mercy in not giving me what I deserve. Thank you for Your grace in giving me even more than I could imagine. Thank You for making good plans for me, even when I try to mess them up.

16:2All a person’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs motives (CSB). Prayer – God, show me how to discern my motives, and let me have the right motive for doing things. Let me not seek only selfish gain. Show me when my way is not right, and give me the strength to do the right thing.

16:3If you entrust all you do to Adonai, your plans will achieve success (CJB). Yes, we should make plans. After all, Jesus tells us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Luke 10:27). It is not ungodly to use our minds to make plans. But when we seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33), and entrust what we do to God, our plans will succeed. When we start with trusting God and seeking His kingdom, when we go back to trusting God and seeking His kingdom, then we don’t have to worry and obsess and become anxious about the why, and the how, and the what, and the remembering-all-those-things-we-read-in-books-and-heard-on-podcasts. When we start, or restart, with trusting first in God internally, then everything else will fall into place externally. Sometimes it takes time. But when we choose to trust God first, then we choose contentment and will find contentment. Prayer – God, teach me how to trust You. Teach me how to give You the things I am worried about.

16:5Everyone with a proud heart is detestable to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished (CSB). Prayer – God, I’m so sorry for the times when I have had a proud heart. Help me to not have a proud heart, and be gentle with me to show me when I am letting myself have a proud heart in the future, so I can humble myself before You.

16:6Grace and truth atone for iniquity, and people turn from evil through fear of God (CJB). When we love and live in awe of God, our natural response is to turn away from our old ways. It’s not the other way around. We don’t try to clean up our lives and ‘act good’ so that we can start to love God. When we love God, we cannot help but begin to turn from evil. Just start with loving God’s Word, and your actions will start to follow. Don’t just try to modify your behavior so that you can feel worthy to be in God’s presence. God wants to do it for you.

16:25There can be a way which seems right to a person, but at its end are the ways of death (CJB). Prayer – God, help me to know which way is right, from the way the seems right to me. Give me discernment to know the difference, and the strength and courage to choose Your right way.

16:26It is god for workers to have an appetite; an empty stomach drives them on (NLT). It is good for us to have an appetite for hope. It is good for us to have hopes and dreams. I pray that none of us will let them go, and instead, use it as fuel to drive us on to work for our dreams and hopes that God has put in our hearts.

16:32He who controls his temper is better than a war hero, and he who rules his spirit is better than he who captures a city (CJB). In my experience, controlling my temper takes a lot of power. And it just makes me laugh that controlling one’s emotions and ruling over your spirit is compared to being a war hero and capturing a city – because it definitely seems like it takes that much work and battling to control my emotions as I imagine it would take to capture a city. Prayer – God, teach me the power in patience and controlling me temper. Let me learn that some things are so valuable, they can only be purchased with waiting and patience. Teach me to control my emotions, and thank You for the weaponry of Your heavenly armor that You have given me with Your Word to battle and capture the city of my emotions.

Friend, I have prayed these same prayers over you today. I pray that you will have the strength to trust your plans to God. May God show you the right steps to take in your plans. May you trust in the power that God’s Word has in your life to turn from your old ways, control your emotions, and follow your hopes and dreams.

Until next time,

– Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror of God’s Word.

Scripture quotations marked (CJB) are taken from the Complete Jewish Bible, Copyright © 1998 and 2016 by David H. Stern. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (CSB) are taken from the Christian Standard Bible® Copyright© 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.