commands.&.promises, proverbs., reflections.


Proverbs 2 – if you haven’t read my thoughts and feelings on the book of Proverbs yet, you’ll want to do so here. This isn’t a comprehensive look at Proverbs 2, but it’s how I read the Word and how God has spoken to me through this chapter of His Word and during this chapter of my life. I hope it can speak to you, and I hope you are encouraged to seek Him in His Word. And if you missed Proverbs 1, you should check that out here. Otherwise, onward to Proverbs 2!

2:1-4My child. Yes beloved, remember that you are a child of God. These are internal attitudes of the heart and decisions that we choose to make a part of our lives. We receive, store, pay attention to, incline our minds toward, call for, raise our voices for, seek, and search for wisdom and God’s Word. Everything in God’s kingdom works from the inside out. Once we accept Him into our hearts and God makes us righteous in Him (internal), God’s power naturally starts working on our behavior and circumstances (external). So naturally, when we set our internal compass and desires to His Word, in turn, God’s promises start working in our lives (external). But it’s not a formula, we don’t just give to get. God’s just saying, “Here, just focus on this one thing, ahem, Me, and then let me do the rest of the heavy lifting.” But when we try to do the heavy lifting of modifying our behavior or taking matters into our own hands because things are moving too slow, we miss out on both our relationship with God, and the thing we wanted from the beginning that God wanted to give us, if we would have just first turned to him.

2:5-16 – God promises that we will find his knowledge and he promises to give us wisdom and understanding, and common sense. He promises that He is a shield for us, guards us, and protects our way. When we first seek Him (sounds reminiscent of ‘seek first the kingdom of God,’ eh?), He helps us naturally understand what the best path is to take. He promises that wisdom enters our hearts and that it becomes enjoyable to us. When we’ve already sought wisdom, we naturally start applying it in our lives, and not only does God watch over us, but our newfound discretion and discernment starts to help guide us and protect us as well.

2:21 – For the upright will live in the land. Live. That’s for the present. God has promises for you now, in the present. And the pure-hearted will remain there. Remain. This is our future. God also has promises for you in the future. God is God for now, and forever.

Prayer – God, help me to always seek you first, and not just try to modify my behavior or make things happen on my own time. Give me the courage to just trust in you first, and seek you as my refuge. I want my heart to always be soft towards you and receptive to what you want to tell me when it is in your timing to fulfill your promises to me.

I’ve prayed this same prayer over you today friend!

Until tomorrow,

– Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror of God’s Word, and inviting you to do the same

Scripture quotations taken from the Complete Jewish Bible,
Copyright © 1998 and 2016 by David H. Stern
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.