identity.&.purpose, prayer., proverbs.


Proverbs 29 – if you haven’t read my thoughts on the book of Proverbs yet, you’ll want to do so here. This isn’t a comprehensive look at each verse, but it is how God spoke to me through particular chapter of His Word at this particular chapter in my life. I encourage you to read the full chapter in your own Bible first so you can see how God wants to speak to you through this chapter, and so you don’t miss out on the verses I didn’t cover. I hope it can speak to you as well, and I hope you are encouraged to seek Him in His Word. And if you missed Proverbs 28, you should also check that out here. Otherwise, on to Proverbs 29!

29:4A just king brings stability to his nation, but one who demands bribes destroys it (NLT). When we are in positions of leadership, we should learn to be just and fair in the tasks we give others and the expectations we have of others. But, when we give the easier or better tasks to people we like, or the pay raises and promotions to the people who flatter us the most or butter up to us the most, it is the same as accepting bribes in our position to give them what they want. That mentality and action will ruin any team we lead or are a part of. Prayer – God, teach me when I am showing favoritism to others or allowing others to gain positions of favor because of their flattery. Show me how to be fair and just in my leadership.

29:5To flatter friends is to lay a trap for their feet (NLT). Speaking of flattery…. Prayer – God, keep me from offering empty compliments to those who are my friends just to get what I want. Grant me discernment to see when others are offering me empty praise to try and better their position.

29:11 & 20A fool gives vent to all his feelings, but the wise, thinking of afterwards, stills them (CJB). There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking (NLT). Prayer – God, you know I need help with this. Grant me peace and the time to pause before I speak. Keep me from just spewing whatever comes to mind. Keep me from always venting about what frustrates me. Teach me how to look inside myself to find the root of my anger, why it makes me angry, and to see what I can do to change about the situation before I just start talking like fool.

29:17Discipline your child, and it will bring you peace of mind and give you delight (CSB). Not only should we teach our children consequences of their actions, we should also teach them how to be disciplined. We give them disciplines to follow, models to practice. We educate them and prepare them and teach them self-control and restraint and perseverance and commitment. That serves not only them, but also us as parents.

29:23Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor (NLT). This verse made me chuckle a little bit. Whether we choose it or not, humility will come to us either way. When we are prideful and don’t choose humility and teachability – it ends in the humiliation type of humility. But when we choose to be humble, and ask for help, and love to learn – then we are granted honor. Prayer – God, help me choose to be humble. Teach me how to ask others for instruction. Let me never think that I am wise in my own eyes.

29:25Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety (NLT). In Hebrew, the word that is used for trust is just as often translated as refuge. We cannot take refuge in something or someone unless we trust them first. And refuge is much different, and better, than mere escape. We can escape something for the time being, but still fear its threat or danger the rest of our lives. When we trust God, that leads to us taking refuge in him. And when we take refuge in him, all the danger and life circumstances can still be whirling around us, but God protects us in the midst of the danger and confusion and uncertainty. So, when we first trust, then we know how to take refuge in God, and he offers us safety in that refuge. Prayer – God, teach me how to seek your kingdom first, and not look to others for their favor. Teach me how to trust you more each day. Show me what it looks like to take refuge in you. Thank you for your promise of safety and refuge.

29:27An unjust person is detestable to the righteous, and one whose way is upright is detestable to the wicked (CSB). Those who are righteous and unrighteous will always be at odds at some point. Prayer – God, keep me on the right side. Show me when I am despising others for their unrighteousness because it convicts me of sin in my own life. Give me the courage to repent and turn from ways of thinking that will only bring me pain and ruin. Show me how to love those who have not chosen to follow you, even when their actions are detestable.

Friend, I have prayed these same prayers over you today. I pray you will find more time in your speech to pause before speaking something you will regret. I pray you will seek God’s approval, and not approval from others, and that you will learn what it looks like and feels like to trust God more each day and take refuge in him and his Word.

Until next time,

– Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror of God’s Word

Scripture quotations marked (CJB) are taken from the Complete Jewish Bible, Copyright © 1998 and 2016 by David H. Stern. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (CSB) are taken from the Christian Standard Bible® Copyright© 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.