identity.&.purpose, proverbs., reflections.


Proverbs 3 – if you haven’t read my thoughts and feelings on the book of Proverbs yet, you’ll want to do so here. This isn’t a comprehensive look at Proverbs 3, but it’s how I read the Word and how God has spoken to me through this chapter of His Word and during this chapter of my life. I hope it can speak to you, and I hope you are encouraged to seek Him in His Word. And if you missed Proverbs 2, you should check that out here. Otherwise, onward to Proverbs 3!

3:1My child. Yes! Please, please, never forget that you are first and foremost a child of God. Don’t forget my teaching. Isn’t that incredible? That God loved us SO much, that on top of giving us Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins and resurrecting Him from the dead so that we could also be made righteous, He left us with this incredible book called the Bible so that we could have instructions to help us along our way. We are a part of something so very ancient, and God chose us to be a part of His story that is, quite literally, as old as time. But let your heart keep my commands. Whoa, that is a little bit more difficult than I imagined. We have to keep commands with our heart? And bring our thoughts under control? You mean, God doesn’t just want our external behavior, He wants our hearts? Fancy that. Even in Proverbs, God is telling us that it’s not just about our actions, he wants our hearts and a relationship with us. That’s what it’s always been about.

Verses 1-10 continue the theme of setting your heart and mind, your internal thoughts and desires on God first, and then that opens the door wider for God to bless you and fulfill His promises to you. Not that he won’t bless you and fulfill promises to you anyway. It’s just the natural by product of how God’s kingdom works (Matthew 6:33).

3:3 – Grace and truth is the Word of God. Make external reminders of God’s Word all around you – on notecards, on bracelets or necklaces, in your wallet, on book covers – the more external reminders of God’s Word you can get in your life, the more it will start to naturally be written on your heart because it is always in front of you, bringing it back to your memory and focus.

3:32-35 – Part of our ultimate purpose with God, is to be upright, righteous, humble, and wise, which He has given us the ability to be through Christ and His Word. And His promises on top of that are to give us His secret counsel, blessing, grace, and honor. He gives us all of it, so that he can make more promises on top of it! We can only love God, because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).

Prayer – God, help me to see and understand the depth of your incredible love toward me in everything you have done and are doing and will do for me, just because you want to be in a relationship with me. Thank you for providing all I could ever need, through you. Thank you for providing a way for me to get to you, and for carrying me to you.

I pray the same prayer for you friend!

Until tomorrow,

– Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror of God’s Word, and inviting you to do the same

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