commands.&.promises, identity.&.purpose, proverbs., reflections.


Proverbs 6 – if you haven’t read my thoughts on the book of Proverbs yet, you’ll want to do so here. This isn’t a comprehensive look at each verse, but it is how God spoke to me through particular chapter of His Word at this particular chapter in my life. I hope it can speak to you as well, and I hope you are encouraged to seek Him in His Word. And if you missed Proverbs 5, you should also check that out here.  Otherwise, on to Proverbs 6!

6:6-8 – (CJB) Go to the ant, you lazybones! Consider her ways and be wise. She has no chief, overseer or ruler, (NASB) yet she prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest. Not only does the ant work hard, but she does the right thing at the right time. We can work hard all day, but if it isn’t the right thing to do and the right season to do it in, our work will not amount to much. There is a proper and better order and time for everything. Prayer – God, please help me to discern what is the right thing to do and help me know when to do it. I don’t want my work to be busy work, but I want my work to be effective and increase your kingdom.

6:9-11 – (CJB) Lazybones! How long will you lie there in bed? When will you get up from your sleep? ‘I’ll just lie here a bit, rest a little longer, just fold my hands for a little more sleep’ – and poverty comes marching in on you, scarcity hits you like an invading soldier. Certainly, there are times when we should get good rest to restore our energy, and sleeping in every once in a while isn’t a sin, but this verse hit me in the gut a little. Why shouldn’t we live our lives on purpose and with purpose? This definitely gives me the motivation to get out of bed earlier in the mornings to be able to spend a little more time in the Word with God, or to spend better quality time with my husband when we’re getting ready for work, instead of running around like a lunatic trying to get to work on time. I love how practical Proverbs can be for day to day life. God gave Adam and Eve work to do in the Garden of Eden before they sinned, so work is not a bad thing. Work is a good thing God gave us so we could have purpose and fulfillment. And, our work isn’t just our day job or our career or the thing that makes us money. It’s how we live in community with others, and how we serve others, or how we get up just a little earlier to spend quality time instead of rushed time with the ones we love.

6:12 – (CSB) A worthless person, a wicked man goes around speaking dishonestly. Ouch. Whenever I tweak the truth just a bit, or don’t tell the full truth, or give information that is truth, but should not have been shared in that moment or with that person, it makes that moment in my life worthless. That seems harsh, but is also convicting. It certainly has given more discernment and weight to my thoughts before I speak them. I take a little more time to consider my audience, see where my loyalty and commitment lies in how much information I can share, and to speak as truthfully as possible but without giving away something that belongs to someone else to share. Prayer – God, help me to not only do the right thing at the right time, but to also know what to say and what to not say at the right time. Help me deal honestly in my words with others.

6:16-19 – (CSB) The Lord hates six things; in fact, seven are detestable to him (i.e. they’re all terrible, but the seventh one in the list is the worst): arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet eager to run to evil, a lying witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up trouble among brothers. Again, ouch. I’ve definitely had arrogant eyes and thought of myself as better than someone else before. I’ve lied. I haven’t killed anyone, but 1 John 3:15 says that whoever hates his brother or sister is a murderer at heart, and I can’t say that I have never hated anyone. I may not have carried out any wicked schemes, but my heart has imagined getting back at people for something they have done to me. And we’re all born sinners with feet eager to run to evil, though I thank God that He has given me the righteousness of Christ to overcome that sinful desire now (2 Corinthians 5:21). I haven’t ever been on the witness stand, but I’ve not told the full truth to shift or share blame with someone else when I should have taken full responsibility. And the worst of all, stirring up trouble or strife among brothers. Again, guilty. Seriously, I cannot escape any of these things that God hates most of all. Prayer – God, I thank You that You have extended grace to us through Jesus Christ to pay for my sin and to give me the strength to overcome my weaknesses through the power of His Spirit.

This chapter has been pretty heavy in the sense of what to do and what not to do. But, I love that God doesn’t just leave us with a list of do’s and don’t’s. He empowers us to rise above our sinful nature, and walk with purpose on the path of righteousness and fulfillment with and in Him:

6:20-24 – (CSB) My child, (first and foremost, God calls us His children, adopting us into His family because of His incomprehensible love for us, even when we are unlovable) keep your father’s command and do not reject your mother’s teaching. 

Always bind them to your heart (think about them often); tie them around your neck (put physical reminders of God’s Word around you in your day to day life to remind you to think of God’s Word and His goodness). 

When you walk here and there (quite literally, wherever you go), they will guide you (God’s promise that when you read and think on His Word, He will supernaturally guide your steps and give you discernment for decisions you must make); when you lie down, they will watch over you (God’s promise that His Word will guard you from things that you have no ability to control or protect yourself from, and that you can sleep in peace despite of your worries or troubles); when you wake up (God’s promise that you can sleep, because you will wake up), they will talk to you (God’s Word is part of His relationship with you. When you read His Words, they will talk back to you as you go through your day and the Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance what God has said to you through His Word – John 14:26). 

For a command (when you do God’s Word) is a lamp, teaching (when you read God’s Word) is a light, and corrective discipline (when you see that you have strayed from doing God’s Word and are convicted through His gentle reminder) is the way to life. They will protect you from an evil woman, from the flattering tongue of a wayward woman. The wayward woman is sin, pulling you away from God and His will from you, and God’s promise is that His Word will supernaturally keep you from all the warnings in this chapter. This isn’t about behavior modification or just trying to do better. It is simply about taking a small step towards God by spending time in His Word, and then He does the heavy lifting and He takes you, He takes us, the rest of the way.

Friend, I pray these same prayers over you today. May you have a renewed love for God’s Word today so you can start seeing it perform a great work in your life. I pray you don’t get discouraged if you don’t see a change in your life the very next day, but I promise that when you look back a month, a year, and 10 years from now, you will be astonished at how far God has brought you.

Until tomorrow,

– Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror of God’s Word, and praying you will do the same

Scripture quotations marked (CJB) are taken from the Complete Jewish Bible, Copyright © 1998 and 2016 by David H. Stern. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB). Copyright by The Lockman Foundation.

Scripture quotations marked (CSB) are taken from the Christian Standard Bible® Copyright© 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.