
testimonies. part. 2.

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple (Psalm 19:7).

We really really truly can apply the testimonies and stories of the Bible to our lives (see testimonies.part.1). But aside from the stories and testimonies we hear in the Bible, we hear testimonies all the time at church, with friends, at small group – stories of modern day people where God has moved mightily in their lives.

I would listen to pastors or friends who, in my mind, had “made it” to where they wanted to be in life. They would talk about how they started out cleaning toilets at the church or volunteered pulling weeds from the children’s playground. Then God opened a door for them and they started teaching a small group, and before they knew it, they were traveling all over the world and speaking to thousands of people and had published 17 books. Which is great…for them…. I didn’t see how it applied to me though. Quite frankly, hearing their stories would just make me envious, because I wanted to travel all over the world and have 17 books published.

But these stories are meant to build our faith just the same! Instead of being envious, I need to rejoice with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15). Seeing how God works in modern day builds my hope in knowing that God will work in my life too. His testimonies and stories of how He worked in the lives of those in the Bible aren’t just for then. They are for now too.

Seeing others blessed as they walk in the path God has for them also gives us an opportunity to practice some fruits of the spirit (another bonus!). We get to practice a whole lot of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Love is patient to wait on the Lord and trust that He will complete His good work in you too. Love does not envy those who seem to be ‘getting more’ than you in the moment. Love is kind to those same people. Love is not arrogant or rude, thinking you ‘deserve more’ than what you have right now. Love does not insist on it’s own way, trying to force God’s will to pass in your life by jumping ahead of the step He has you on right now. Love is not irritable or resentful when things don’t go the way you envisioned them in your life.

The more we focus on God’s Word, and practice these things He has given us, the more easy and natural it becomes to walk in this every day. Then comes that glorious ‘aha’ moment where you realize you are rejoicing with others who are rejoicing. You aren’t envious of where God has led others in their life with Him, and all without even ‘forcing’ yourself to rejoice with them or not be envious of them. In that, we fulfill 1 John 5:1-3, because we know we are in Christ, and Christ is in us, because His commandments to love by being kind and patient and not envious, are not burdensome at all. In fact, they just start coming naturally when you practice them a tiny little bit.

We can be encouraged by the here and now testimonies of the saints. These testimonies of today give us hope (Hebrews 11:1). Don’t be afraid to share your testimony too, because that builds hope and faith in others (1 Thessalonians 5:11). And the Word keeps building our hope and faith in the testimonies of the Bible (Romans 10:17).

I also have to be perfectly honest here. This actually is not at all what I was going to write about today regarding the testimonies of the Lord applying to our lives. I was going to write on the pattern of how the Lord leads throughout the examples of His testimonies. But, and I can’t help but chuckle, apparently God had a different idea (Isaiah 55:8). I learned so much just through writing this. God is really speaking to me on how I still need to keep applying His Word to my life, especially in the area of ‘Love is patient and kind and does not envy.’ I haven’t ‘made it.’ I have to make a conscious effort to renew my mind in His Word and practice it in my life as well (Romans 12:2, James 2:17). Sooooooo, stay tuned next week for testimonies.part.3 and I promise (God willing) that I will write on the patterns God employs for your life through His testimonies.

In Him – Just a girl pursuing her reflection in the mirror